What I Read! Summer 2024

Hi friends! has anyone else been in a massive reading slump this summer? life feels so busy and i can’t seem to pick up a book as much as i want to. i hate to admit that i am 3 books behind on my yearly reading goal 🙁 the books that i have found the time for have been great though! there is one 5-star read in here, so a summer well spent in my eyes! As always, some of these were rented from my local library and some had to be part of my personal collection. Read below to see what I finished, what i thought, and what I hope to read this fall!

Funny Story – Emily Henry

5 stars!!

If Emily Henry has no fans, I am dead. I have loved all of her books and this most recent one was no exception! I fell in love with both Daphne and Miles, teared up multiple times, and got to live my librarian fantasy. I am a sucker for when a book’s title clearly comes into play during the story and I loved how Emily incorporated it. I will be recommending this book to everyone I know.

In the Flo – Alisa Vitti

3 stars!!

I am not much of a non-fiction gal, but I have hopped on the cycle-syncing bandwagon. This book is full of useful information and easy ways to apply her teachings to your every day life. there is a lot of information in this book which is really good but also a little overwhelming! i have found myself googling summaries of tips and tricks instead of referencing the book again. She suggests that the easiest place to start is to sync your diet or your workouts to your cycle. I am going to try both this fall and will keep you all updated!

None of This is True – Lisa Jewel

4 stars!!

I love Lisa’s books, but they always creep the heck out of me. If you like a psychological thriller where you can’t always tell what is happening, you will love this! You are simultaneously rooting for Alex, while thinking she is the dumbest person ever. The last half of the book sucked me in and I cancelled all my plans that day to binge read and finish it.

Just for the Summer – Abby Jimenez

3 stars!!

I wanted to love this book more than I did. It is definitely an easy summer read and the characters are very likable, but it wasn’t a romcom that sucked me in. It took me longer to read than books usually do and some of the dialogue seemed a bit cheesy. the ending is super cute and made the read worth it, but i just wish i had gotten into it a little quicker!

bye, baby – carola lovering

4 stars!!

I love carola lovering!! i run to my local bookstore the second a new one is released so i can add it to my collection. while this isn’t my favorite novel of hers, it is so good! i love that the chapters alternate from a past and present point of view. i have yet to guess the ending in any of her novels. this one kept me guessing to the point where i considered reading the last pages just so i could know what happened.

this used to be us – renee carlino

3 stars!!

this book gets juicer the further in you get. or maybe you just grow to love the characters more? i didn’t love the beginning of the book but that might have been because i found the main characters super annoying but that might have been the point? you see them grow and change as the book goes and it gets much more enjoyable. i found myself rooting for the couple at the end! which was surprising because i was team divorce for the first half of the book.

All that being said, it was a good summer for books! fall gives so many more good opportunities for reading and I am excited to start some books i have been looking forward to next month. For fall I have my eyes on The Next Mrs. Parrish, summer sisters, and The sicilian inheritance. i am sure my TBR list will grow like crazy though! I have linked my GoodReads so we can be friends and find new books together!